Gong Xi Bazaar is an annual event in Miri. It is a "pasar malam" which operates just few days before Chinese New Year at the Miri City.

Although you can start browsing through the bazaar few days before Chinese New Year, I strongly suggest you to go there two days before the Chinese New Year (final day of the bazaar).

Why? This is because at that day, the Miri Central Market opens from the afternoon till early in the morning next day.

That's for last 5 years. Nowadays, supermarket opens on the very first day of Chinese New Year. Fear no more! ;)
Am I lost?
How many hundreds of Mirians are here?

This is the place where you can meet lots of long lost friends. I met quite a few here.
There are some perfomances to entertain the crowd, too. Singing and lion dance are some of the performances.
"Kam" (in Cantonese) = Gold?
Flowers sold for home decoration.
All the red stuff give a feeling of Chinese New Year!
"Ong Lai" (in Hokkien) = luck come?
Pick 'n' Mix candies.
"Fatt Gou" (in Cantonese) = rich?
You can roughly tell how good is the sugar cane drink business on that night.
Barbeque pork. *Slurp*
"Lelong, lelong! Satu pasang RM5!!!"
There are some perfomances to entertain the crowd, too. Singing and lion dance are some of the performances.

There are all sorts of stuff being sold. From plants...

to home decorations...

to foods and drinks...

Happy new year Kok! Very interresting photos! Its a totally another world like us here in Europe, but very colorful and excited!
Wah, chin lau juak, "nigiyaka" in Japanese, bustling with life. Nice pix.
Kok, I think you snapped a picture of my hubby from behind! :-)
csaba: Welcome to my full-of-grammatical-errors-blog! Happy New Year to you too! In Europe, I don't think there's any people celebrating Chinese New Year eh? Maybe you can come here and take a look. Totally a different culture. :)
wonda: Nice hoh? Come to Miri one day lah. Then you can see for yourself how nice is Miri!
dancing queen: Hah? Really ah? Which photo? Wah, your hubby must be very lucky. Out of hundreds of people, he's still in the photo. haha!:P
Lovely pictures...So "yit lau" over there!
woah, dancing queen is in? hehe.. there's cny celebration every year in london too.. and maybe some other cities like amsterdam with more chinese people.. but definitely NOT in kuman-land *bleks*
wmw: Thanks!:) Yaya, very "yit lau" here. Come here and take a look yourself if you can!:)
carrots: Dancing queen is not in leh. She said only her hubby in wor. haha! Kuman land? Apa itu? haha!:P
Wow, it does look really lau jiet, yeah. Looks like I truly missed it this year. It does seem a bit like what Kuching's Kenyalang Market is like during CNY!!
mum in miri: Never mind, never mind. There's always next year! Now, enjoy the photos first! hehe.
I think he's in the photo which you posted twice. The guy with the white shirt on the right. Looks like him. :-)
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