How time flies... Do you still remember when I first blogged about my
house in Perth earlier this year?
Messy room when I just moved in.
The construction site next to my house.Do the photos give you any hints? Anyway, believe it or not, I already moved out from this place last Friday.
In a mess...After exam, this is what I was busy with; packing, shifting and cleaning. I hate moving seriously. Four years in Perth, I moved three times.
Empty room.
Condominium is almost completed.This year seems to be quite fast and hectic for me. I only know my daily routines were going to uni, coming back home for dinner then, to uni again. I seldom got the chance to really stay in my room and enjoy the rent I paid.
Goodbye...Even until the day I left this house, I couldn't believe this was my house for the past one year. Simply because I spent more time in uni than at home.
Best housemate!Anyway, all these are not important except for a priceless friendship I have developed with Chris. He was my housemate for two years in a row and no doubt, we had a wonderful time together. For whatever you do, best of luck, Chris!
Eh Kok, where are you moving to now? All packed and ready to come home? So soon ah? Or are you just moving your barang home first while you go on an adventurous holiday.
It's not always easy to find a suitable housemate or roommate. You're fortunate!
So when will results come out? Hehehe...nervous ya! Aiyah, for the time being, just enjoy yourself lah and don't worry about it!
You will adapt to new environment soon.. :)
sigh..damn sad feeling rite? not applying for a job in perth?
Looks like you live in the uni. Where are you going to move next? Camp at uni if you can't find a place? Is Chris going back to his country soon?
ilene: I'm now temporarily staying at my friend's place. All my stuff were packed and sent to my friends' places cause I'm not sure whether to come back for job or back in Miri.
Yea, it's always not easy to find a housemate. I'm not lucky actually. Out of so many housemates, I only get along with Chris.
Results? It'll be out on the 10th of December. It's just like a nightmare for me. I must not fail any of the units!
Thanks. I'll enjoy my holidays at the mean time. hehe.
keeyit: Hmm...It'll take time for sure.
joe: Ya... it's always sad to leave... Ermm... Not quite sure where I'll end up at. So, at the mean time, haven't applied any job yet.
Aunty Alice: Nolah, I live near uni. About 20 mins of walk. I don't know where I'll move to. Haven't decided whether to come back to Perth or to stay at Miri. I'm currently staying at my friend's place until I leave Perth for Miri on the 6th December. Chris went back last Friday for good.
Good luck in your future undertakings.
Looks like you and Chris had a memorable time together. Both you siao guys! haha....
Enjoy your holidays.... are you extending to Singapore? hehe....
All the best!
yenjai: Thanks a lot, yenjai. :)
eastcoastlife: We definitely have a memorable time together. hehe. Like you mentioned, we are SIAO! kakaka!
Extending to S'pore ah? Hmm...depends loh. I'll let you know. kekeke.
Wah, so fast move out already. It's just like yesterday to me when you first blogged about your new dwelling.
Whatever, it is, I wish you all the best in all your future undertakings.
P/S: I had to agree, shifting around does sucks! Big time!
Departure is such a sweet sorrow :)
kleio: I couldn't believe it, too. Just a blink of eyes, it's the end of the year already...
I'm pretty much sick of moving. I hope one day, I have one permanent house to stay in. hehe.
Thanks a lot, Kleio!:)
chen: Yea, I agree..
Wow. I can't believe you are moving again! Has it been a year already? This year in the Blogworld has passed so fast. Hope you have a great Xmas planned out (me, I need to find somewhere for a vacation and just sleep for days... hehe).
Cheers, bro!
Wow, bro! It has been a long time since I last saw you here! How have you been?
Yes, this world is indeed very fast. Like I said, it was so fast that I can't believe myself. I hope you'll have a great holiday too.
Take care, alright?:)
All the best Kok! Sounds like everyone knows about your problematic house mates in Perth. From SQ girl to slashed by knife...
Anyway, we will not get the bond back so soon due to you know who...
It is really not easy to find suitable house mate. :)
You too, best of luck!
Ahh...Housemates, how I wish I don't have to face that again...
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