Monday, November 09, 2009
Are You Doing Great?
It has been a long long time since I last seen you. Last time when you traveled to Singapore, Hong Kong or China etc, I still managed to visit you when you came back after the latest a month. Now, it has been 2 years...
Are you doing great at the far away land? I bet you do. If not, you would have come back long time ago and complain to us, right? I ponder, how is the far away land look like? Is it the same like Miri? Or is it much more better than Miri? Anyway, I only hope it's a place that you really enjoy...
Gong, like last year, I would just update you about what's happening around us. I know you still care about us. I know you would still like to be around us. However, I know you just couldn't do so due to your own personal reasons...
For all of us here, we're all doing well here. We're all fit and healthy except for Mama who's still having the same problem like last year. However, I guess it's not that serious as she still visit the doctor whenever she feels unwell. We'll take care of Mama, don't worry, Gong.
I know you would like to know about my job. Rest assured, Gong. I'm doing great in that company and still learning a lot of things. My colleagues are all very helpful and willing to share me their knowledge. I learn a lot from technical to management. It has been a great experience working at that company. I've also experienced offshore life, which is totally different from working onshore. How I wish I could show you all the photos and videos I took...
You must be wondering if I'm still helping out in the business. Yes, whenever I'm free, I'll still help out in the business. The business is still doing well now. Sometimes good, sometimes not really good. There always up and down in business, as you know. If you're still here, you'll sit at the sofa and monitor all the work done. I know you would like to see yourself how the business goes...
Gong, sometimes I wonder how did you start this business? How did you grab this opportunity? How did you foresee that this business will have any future? I wish you're still here to share me your experience. I know, business is always not that easy. I regret I didn't talk with you regarding this when you're still here...
Oh yea! I forgot to tell you that I did make a visit to Singapore early this year with Hui Hui. Although it's a very small country, there are still lots of development going on. I went to the apartment and guess what? There are few more high rise apartments under construction. According to Hui Hui, when he was first there, there are only few high rise buildings around the apartment. I think Singapore has changed quite a lot since the last time you make a visit there. I like Singapore overall, but I prefer a much slower pace city. It's just too hectic to live there...
Gong, is the food there suits you? Do you miss the food here? Do they have your favourite Bak Kut Teh there? Do they have your favourite curry rice there? I hope they do as I know, you enjoy delicious food. How I wish you're still here so we can bring you to have some tasty dimsum. Hui Hui's family and our family often have dimsum together on Sunday morning. I know you'll like the Braised Chicken Feet and the Char Siu Pao there. That's the dimsum you always ordered when you're here. Do they have these at your place?
Gong, I know it's silly to ask, when are you coming back? I guess not only me missing you, but everyone is also missing you. Every time I look at your photos at Baba's office, I would be thinking that you're still somewhere near me, looking at me, protecting me... Honestly, I really miss you so much.
Gong Gong, you take care there ok? Send my warmest regards to Po Po. I miss you and you'll always be in my heart, Gong...
Love from your grandson,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Eh, Eh! Eh Poh Nim Is Out!
You might say she's a blogger friend of mine and that's why I always help her to advertise her books in my blog. That's not true. Even if she's not a blogger friend of mine, I still love her books and would recommend them to all. Good things must share, agree? If you don't believe how good is her writing, grab one of her books or frequent her blog and I'm sure you'll agree with me.
Lydia is currently having her newest book just published; Do You Wear Suspenders? - The Wordy Tales of Eh Poh Nim. It is now available at the bookstores, such as MPH Bookstore and Popular Bookstore, nationwide. Priced at RM32.90, it's a book which focuses on English (vocabulary, idioms and etc) and as usual, Lydia includes her sense of humour to the book.
Here's a great deal from Popular Bookstore - you'll get 20% off the price of the book if you're a member of Popular Card! (Promotion expires on the 7th of May 2009). You just need to click on "English Books">Pop Choice>In Title Box, search "Do You Wear Suspenders". Grab a copy now!
Here's a Bookertisement for the book. Believe me, Lydia Teh is a creative and a funny lady/writer. ;)
Tell me she's an awesome actress too! :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day...
Valentine's Day is celebrated by many couples or lovers in the world. It is a day for the lover to express their love to each other.
However, today, I'm not going to dedicate this page to my lover... I would like to dedicate this to the one whom I love, the one who has seen me grow up, the one who has left me for a better place on the New Year's Eve 2008. The person is no other than my beloved, Po Po (maternal grandmother).
Dearest Po Po,
Today is another Saturday. Like usual, we went to Gong Gong's house (maternal). However, the house is no longer the same like before. I could feel the emptiness in the house. Few months back, we could still argue with you in Hakka, we could still see you smiling or laughing, we could still have dinner with you. But this afternoon, we could only have Gong Gong to welcome us at the door step...
It has been two months since you left us. The day when you decided to leave us, I was still experiencing my first time offshore. That very morning, I went out to the platform to learn some of the things from my colleague. Just when I stepped back to the living quarter, my name was called by the Radio Operator and I was instructed to head over to the OIM's (Offshore Installation Manager) office instantly. I thought the OIM just wanted to have a talk with me. Unfortunately, I was told that you had left me and I was given the permission to fly back immediately using a special directed flight.
I was stunned for a moment. My mind went blank. All I could think of is to straightaway ask the Radio Operator to connect a call to Baba and told him about my flight back in the afternoon. When I recalled back, that morning, one of my eyes was twitching. Was that a sign given by you to inform me about your departure? I packed everything and couldn't wait to go back immediately. A lot of things ran through my mine at that time. I just couldn't believe I have lost you...
When I reached Gong, Gong's house, instead of rushing to your room to share my offshore experience with you, I saw some white clothes were hung up on top of the front door, your photo was put on a table in between two candles and some joss sticks were placed in front of your photo. Cousins were burning some "money" for you, uncles and aunties were busy with visitors, folding the "money" and etc. I knew I have to burn some joss sticks for you to pay my respect but at that very moment, I just had a blank mind. Luckily Ah Foon Yee Yee gave me a hint.
After burning few joss sticks for you and telling you that I was back, I went to take a look at you in your new bed. You were lying motionless as if you were taking a nap or having your sleep. Your mouth was wide opened... That was exactly how you sleep on your bench but this time, you wouldn't wake up anymore when I greeted...
Po Po, I know you wouldn't be around anymore. Gong Gong is so sad that he cried over and over again. I felt the same. I wanted to cry at times but I just couldn't do so. I know I have to be tough, or else, many would break down too...
Po Po, although you've left me physically, I'll never forget the memory you had given me. Besides Mama and Baba, you're one of the first few to look after me when I was born. You even stayed at Baba's house to take care of Mama and me during Mama's confinement.
I can still remember how you put me to sleep in my "yao yao" under the staircase. You sang to me and read me stories while I slowly fell asleep. I often prefer you to put me to sleep rather than Mama as you can sing better and you really made sure that I sleep before you stopped singing or reading stories.
Sis and I just love to go shopping with you. You never failed to buy anything that we want. Choc, snacks, breads, we wanted it, you would buy it. Remember Choon Cheong Supermarket, Chen Soon Grocery Store, Ng Sian Hup Supermarket or Sii Yi Jie Supermarket? Those are the supermarkets that you like to frequent for grocery.
As time goes by, your health was getting worse especially your rheumatism. It's the worst when Ah Tai (great grandmother) passed away. That was when I was 13 years old. I knew you were very sad at that time, just like how I'm feeling now. You cried days and nights... Your pair of eyes just couldn't take it. In the end, you had to have your eyes being sewn. I was like, "Oh no! Po Po is going blind? Po Po will not be able to see us again?" You were just too brave and had a strong will to recover. Within months, the thread was taken off and you could open your eyes once again. Nevertheless, your eyesight or vision was not as good anymore...
Not only that, your rheumatism was giving more trouble to you. You complained more about the unbearable pain on your pair of legs. Soon, you gave up walking. The whole day, you would stay in your room on your rattan bench. You ate on your rattan bench, you slept on your rattan bench. You could not even walk to the toilet. Only with the "modified mobile toilet bowl" and the help from Gong Gong to carry you and place you on the toilet bowl, then only you could do your daily relieve.
Po Po, I think you've really suffered a lot in these past 10 years. I just can't imagine how tough life you were having. Just imagine how much medicine you had to take would make me scare... Is that the reason that you decided to leave?
Po, although you've left, I would not forget the last few days when I was with you before I went offshore. I also wouldn't forget the day I spent with you before you lost consciousness. Remember I asked you what you want to eat and I would buy for you? You said you don't want anything. Then I teased you by asking you if you want any birdnest porridge. You replied yes if I bought it for you. I'm sorry I couldn't do so just before you leave...
There was one day when you lost your consciousness, I fed you with water using straw. You thought I was fitting your fake teeth. You kept asking me when did I fit the fake teeth for you. You thought I fit it in while feeding you. When I asked you why you want your fake teeth in. You replied, "If not, how to eat?" Not only that, when I told you that you look prettier with your teeth, you agreed!
Po ah, have you reunited with Ah Lan Yee Yee and also Ah Tai and Tai Gong (great grandfather)? I guess Ah Lan Yee Yee is now taking care of you eh? Do send my regards to them. Now I think you can walk around, shopping here and there and enjoy your favourite food! Have you had your Braised Pork Leg or your "Khou Rou"? You can now have as much as you can. Oh, I think you're planting some flowers in your garden now eh? That's one of the activities you like most besides singing. Don't forget to let me picture your garden in my dream ok?
Don't worry about Gong Gong and Ah Woon Jiu Jiu. They're fine here. We would take care of them. Gong Gong seems not really that jovial anymore without you here. He just misses you a lot just like how everyone of us here does. Now that Ah Foon Yee Yee has come back to Miri, at least, there's someone to look after Gong Gong. She also always brings him out so that he could be happier...
Po, in this letter to you, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being such an awesome Po Po. You're the most wonderful Po Po one would hope for I must say. I will remember the thing that you've taught me and also the memories that you've left for me. I would also like to apologise to you if I didn't do enough as a grandson. I know, compare to what you've done as a Po Po, what I've done as a grandson would never be enough...
Till our next meeting... take care, Po Po. I love you...
Always your grandson,
Wei Wei
I would like to end this post with a short video clip - Po Po's singing. This video clip was taken one or two weeks before I went offshore. She had lost her consciousness and she just kept singing non-stop...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Eoe Online Is Fast, I Was Slow...
One thing I regret most is that, I didn't manage to show my graduation photos to my Po Po before she left. Remember eoe online which I've mentioned it before? If you can't remember (since I haven't updated my blog for long), this is the post - Photos Printed At Fingertips.
After ordering my photos, I waited them for about a week. Unfortunately, there wasn't any parcels directed to me. So, I sent an email to the person in charge to enquire about this. Samantha Siah from the eoe Online Team is one very helpful staff I have to say. Normally, some staff would just tell you that they've sent the product to you and ask you to call the courier company to check. However, Samantha worked professionally by checking the date of delivery and then, also checked with the courier company about this. She even asked the courier company to contact me! Not only that, she responded very quickly to my email. Two thumbs up for her great service!
The courier company did call me and told me that they were unable to send the parcel to me as I was not at home. They didn't call me although my mobile phone's number was clearly written on the envelope. Ok, never mind. At least, they kept the parcel and sent it to me.
After I unwrapped the parcel, there's another cardboard wrapping the photos. I'm not sure if they used this Kodak Premium Matte Paper for the photos or not but they're very thoughtful to make sure the photos were not folded or spoilt during the delivery.
Overall, I'm satisfied with their customer service and their photo quality. For those who just want to sit at home, "send" their photos to be printed and have their photos delivered to their door step, eoe online is the company they should look for.
Eoe online is fast at printing and sending the photos, but I was just too slow to show my Po Po my graduation photos...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
However I'm exhausted mentally and physically (more on mentally actually). I'm just trying to stay strong at the moment... I need a break... a break to restore everything back to normal...
P/s: Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for the wishes in the previous post.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
It's the day of the year again!
Did you get any presents? I definitely want at least one from you all! ;)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
50 Free Printed Photos For Bloggers!
What is the news? Here it comes! Eoe online is giving out 50 free printed photos for 100 bloggers! This is a great news isn't it? And from the comments of my previous post (Photos Printed At Fingertips), I know some of you love online photo printing service. So, why not trying it yourself and get yourself some printed photos in front of your door?
To get the free photos, it's as simple as to use eoe online. Just follow the steps as follow:
- Register an account at eoe online.
- Play around the website (i.e. upload some photos, browse the website, know the service available and etc.)
- Write a review about the site (detail instructions HERE - must read!).
- Upload 50 photos which you want to get it printed.
Now, you already have a Christmas gift before Christmas. Awesome hor? ;)
P/s: I'll try to write a post once I recovered...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Photos Printed At Fingertips!
The photos which I would really want to print out would be these...
Why? Because I want to give a few to my grandpa and grandma. Even my sis has already printed out her graduation's photos and gave them to my grandpa and grandma, it's a shame for me that I haven't done so.
Since I mentioned that getting the photos printed are a little bit troublesome and expensive, what could I do? Print it using my printer? Definitely NO!
I've found a really great deal from eoe online. At promotion price now, I can get a piece of 4R photo for RM0.30 and a piece of 5R photo for RM0.50! Not only that, for orders of RM35 and above, you can have your photos delivered to your doorsteps for FREE!
That's not the end, I can save a lot of hassle! Hey, I don't need to drive, park my car, go to the printing shop, order my photos, wait for them to be printed and drive back home. Worse when some shop would tell me to collect the photos after few hours or a day or two. See how much time and money (petrol) I would waste to get the photos printed?
With eoe online, everything is at my fingertips. It's very simple to get my photos printed with just three simple steps:

After that, I can just sit back and wait for the photos to be delivered. How fast and easy right? ;)
What about the photo quality you might ask... That, I'll write another review on that after I've received my photos.
Stay tuned!:)
Monday, December 08, 2008
Mee Sua and Gong Pia
But if we want to go to Sibu, Sarawak, what can we get for souvenirs? Let Kok tell you...

So now if you happened to drop by Sibu, Sarawak, aparts from eating the popular Kampua (also known as Kolo mee), you can get those fresh Mee Sua or those Foochow bagles. :)
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A Moment With My (Football) Kakiis
I still remember in my primary school, my football kakiis would get a tennis ball and kick around during recess time in substitute with a football. We would normally get an earful in the class after recess because we smell real bad in our soaking, wet, sweaty uniform! However, it didn't stop us from playing everyday.
That time, my football kakiis even joined the school football club. Although we didn't manage to represent the school, we still spent hours under the hot scorching sun at least two days a week to practice. That shows our enthusiasm in that sports.
In my secondary school, I was not quite active in football due to other commitment. The only time I played football was during our Physical Education period. Nevertheless, I still have my football kakiis to play the sports. That was not really a group of serious football kakiis I would say because most of the time, we would just fool around instead of playing football. Shouting, teasing, laughing was what we do for that whole period.
When I moved on to my college, again, I found myself some football kakiis. Don't play play, this group was one serious group of football kakiis. They played with full football gears, with formation and with awesome techniques. No doubt, they were way too good for my kampung level.
I thought I won't find anymore football kakiis in my uni. Who knows, there was still a group of friends who simply loves this sports. Hence, one day each week, we would gather the football kakiis in our group of friends to kick that black and white patches ball.
You all sure won't believe. I learnt most of the higher level skills in football from these football kakiis of mine in the uni. What did I learn? Beckham fantastic free kick? Rudd Van Nisterooy amazing finish? Thierry Henry wicked shot?
Oh, no no no. Those are just too simple in football. The higher level skills that I learnt are these...

Jono's pinch ball.
Nathan's hold ball.
Yoong and Jason's "siam" (avoid) ball.
Henry's kiss ball.
Danny's dragon ball.
and Kok already knows how to CATCH BALLS! Hahahaha!
I have lots of wonderful moments with my football kakiis but too bad, I didn't have a camera back then to capture all those moments. The above is one of the best I had with my (football) kakiis which I managed to take a photo of.
Seriously I miss my football kakiis a lot! When can we have another match, guys?
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Wackiest I Would Do to Race for N96
Wah! The second round is so much tougher! I need to come out a post with this title, "The Wackiest I Would Do to Race for N96". I know lah, Kok is crazy but, how crazy can he be to race for N96? ;)

Haiyo... I really want that gorgeous N96 lah. I would do anything to race for N96! And I'm serious! See? All the above ideas, although quite wacky, I don't want to do any of them. Not because I'm coward, but those ideas are not original.
Now, after thinking for quite a while, this is what I would do...

It's this pig! Hahaha! Tell me that's one of the wackiest thing that a person would do! :D
But one thing I'm worried... would the traffic police give "saman" (summon) to the pig on the road? *Scratching head*
P/s: I might have to change the pig to the other animal such as cow, goat or even, monkey! :D
Monday, November 24, 2008
Young, Fat and Short

Aiyor! Out of 3 points, I only get 1. Bad hor? But then, how would I look like if I was tall and slim? Do I still look young? Will people still have something to comment?
I know most of you will tell me, don't care about what others think about you. Just be yourself. Of course, I know! Haha! Anyway, this is just some random thought from me... :D
P/s: Can anyone cast a vote to me HERE? I was nominated as the Best Blogger Blog! You'll need to register to vote. To register, click HERE. To vote, click HERE and click the stars (you decide) after the description of my blog. By the way, you might be chosen as a cash prize winner by random if you commented! $250 for first prize!:)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I Was Conned!
Today, one of my colleagues brought up the topic about how RM1 million is a lot and can live for quite a long time. That was the initial topic... then it went on and on till it was about how many people who was millionaire but lost it overnight due to business commitment.
They discussed about this because a lot of people in the company normally earn quite a lot. After they retired, they would use the money to invest into business. Since they didn't have much experience in business, most lost quite a lot and in the end, they had to forget about retirement and went back to work.
Wah! Interesting topic eh?
After makan, I drove them back to the office. While on the way, one of my colleague, who was already retired (he work now based on contract), suddenly said, "In my whole life, I became millionaire twice but I lost it overnight too..."
My first thought was, "Hey! He must be rich! But how come he lost it overnight? Business?"
I bet the other two colleagues of mine thought so too as they let out a big "WOAH! Really?"
Then this colleague continued, "First time was when I went to Rome and the second time was when I went to Indonesia."
I thought that he must have been cheated or lost in gambling...
Who knows, he seriously told us, "The currency for Rome that time was Lira and the currency for Indonesia is Rupiah! Of course I'm a millionaire lah! The currency was so much smaller! Then I spent everything mah, that's why I lost it overnight!"
Haha! All of us suddenly burst out laughing!
Actually, I laughed because I thought I am stupid! I should have thought of that; we'll be millionaire if we have RM1000!
I think no matter how smart we are, the situation might influence our thinking. So, when we read in the newspaper that a lot of people were conned, we shouldn't think they're stupid. If we were in their shoes, I think, we'll fall into the trap too!
What do you think? ;)
P/s: Anyone could cast a vote to me HERE? I was nominated as the Best Blogger Blog! You'll need to register to vote. Let me know if you want to vote but don't know how. By the way, you''ll be chosen as a cash prize winner by random if you commented!
I need your support, guys! :)
Information About Webhosting
It has always been my dream to get myself a personal website. Ever since I blog, I keep searching for a reliable yet cheap webhosting provider. You know, if it is an expensive web hosting provider but the website keeps offline. That is very annoying, don’t you think so?
However, it is very difficult for me to find such web hosting provider. The only source I had at that time is no other than the Google. Not until when I found out about webhostinggeeks, it makes the process of getting a good web hosting provider easier!
Webhostinggeeks ranks the top 10 web hosting provider. It also lists down the features of each web hosting providers such as the price, space and traffic. You’ll definitely smile when you see the word “unlimited” for both space and traffic with the lowest price!
Apart from that, it also states the bonus features of every web hosting providers. For instance, you can see if you can get free domain name, top technical support, Google or Yahoo credits and so on.
The best thing about webhostinggeeks is that hosting reviews are provided. Of course, we would like to see what the customers have said before we decided if it is the best or worst.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Panda Mama and Panda Baba
Panda Baba calmly walked over to Panda Mama. He saw Panda Mama was holding a photograph of hers. While throwing his arms around Panda Mama, he asked, "Dear, what happened? Why are you crying?".
Panda Mama replied in a very low tone, "I was being cheated..."
Panda Baba started to worry, "What? You're being cheated? Who did that? What did you loss?"
Panda Mama was reluctant to tell at first. But after much persuasion from Panda Baba, she finally decided to tell Panda Baba.
She explained, "This is what happened, dear... This morning, I went to the shopping mall. While I was walking passed a photography studio, I saw a great promotion. For as low as 1000 bamboo (panda's currency), I'll have 50 coloured-high-quality-studio-taken-photographs. Since I do not have a personal album, I decided to give it a go. At least I can still have this album to look at when I am older or getting out of shape."
Suddenly, Panda Mama raised her voice, "But I was cheated!!! Look at this!!!"
She showed Panda Baba the photo which was strongly gripped in her hand...

Panda Baba was totally speechless...
Hahaha! Have a great laugh, guys! Hope you all have a wonderful weekends! :)
Sunday, November 09, 2008
One Year...
A year ago, you left us suddenly to go to a far far place. Now, it's the day of the year again... How are you doing there? Do you miss us? Did you receive my previous letter? Have you travelled the whole world yet? Did you enjoy your food there? I have so many questions to ask you but I just don't know how to contact you. This is the longest time I haven't seen you. To tell you I don't miss you, that would be the biggest lie.
Gong Gong, while you were away, loads of thing happened here. But don't worry, as a whole, all are good news. Let me just briefly update you ok?
Gong, I've graduated as a Mechanical Engineer last year. I've fulfilled part of your wish to see all of your grandchildren to study till the highest level. Last April, I had my convo at my uni in Perth. Baba and Mama as well as Mei Mei attended my convo. Baba did listen to you to come for my convo and leave all the jobs behind for a moment. Supposingly, I would love you to come along as I know that was the day you were looking forward too. Unfortunately, you decided to leave before you could even see me in my graduation robe.
We took quite a lot of photo. Too bad, they were all without you. Nevertheless, I guess you were there with us invisibly. I know you were smiling while looking at us that time. Gong, that degree that I've obtained would be dedicated to you. Without you, I don't think I'll be able to get that degree. Thank you, Gong. *Hugs*
Not only I've graduated, Mei Mei also helped in fulfilling your wish. She graduated and obtained a degree in Biotech. She had her convo in August. This time round, Baba didn't manage to attend her convo as he had a compulsory meeting to attend. So, I represented Baba to attend her convo.
Both Mei Mei and I didn't manage to send you off the other day because we had our exams going on. I know you didn't blame us for not sending you off but for me, I feel really bad and guilty and am still feeling so. That's why I hope I could make that up by getting a degree for you.
Gong Gong, did you know that I've also come back to Miri for good? I was helping in the shop while looking for an engineering job outside. I am sorry for not staying in the shop and permanently but I have my own reasons, Gong. I am thinking of getting more experience outside before deciding what to do next. I hope you will support my idea although I know, you'll be more happy if I could help in the business.
Gong, I've actually got myself an engineering job earlier this month. Is that your blessing? I was given a position as a trainee commissioning engineer. Working under XXXXX Company, I am seconded to Shell. I am quite happy with my job at the moment. At least, the people there are very helpful to me.
As for business, all are going well, rest assured. While I was looking for a job, I helped out in the business. And guess what? I did close few deals there. I still remember how you used to smile at me when I closed a deal. You would pet at my back and said, "good good". How I wish you could still do that to me again...
Oh yeah, I'm still helping in the business whenever possible despite having a permanent job. It's a bit tiring for me but then, I try to get involve. I know you would be more happy if I could help out.
Baba and Mama are also doing well this year. Baba is fit and healthy, God bless! But Mama is a bit sick this few days. She was admitted to hospital last month due to "woman's problem" and had a minor operation. Don't worry, she's getting better now.
I think that's all for now, Gong. You must be yawning looking at such a long letter. You take care of yourself there ok? Send my regards to Po Po, too. I miss you a lot, Gong...
Forever your grandson,
Cry! Cry Somemore!
While I was eating with my family at a café here, suddenly, I heard a sound of a glass falling on the floor. It was a toddler who dropped the glass.
The father sitting next to him was so furious. You know lah, kid doesn’t behave, the father or mother sure gets very angry. So, the father stared at the toddler, as if the toddler had committed a serious crime. The toddler was so afraid that he started to cry.
The father couldn’t control anymore. He raised his voice and said, “Cry! Cry somemore!” When the toddler heard that, he cried even louder!
Now, this is the part I don’t understand. I don’t know whether this applied to only Chinese family or to the other family as well. Whenever a kid cries, the parents would always say this phrase; “Cry! Cry somemore!”. Then the kids would cry even more (although the initial intention is to tell them to stop crying)! But you can’t blame them. They’re just obeying their parents, don’t you think so? The parents ask them to cry somemore, so, they cry loh!
I just think that's one of the wrong ways to "teach" the kids but somehow, it's still being used from one generation to the other generation. How do you or will you tell your kids to stop crying? And is there anything which you disagree in teaching the kids but parents are still practising it now?
Save on Eyeglasses
Economy is so bad these days. Just look at the stockmarket, it only goes downwards and no upwards. A lot of employers are having a hard time and have to retrench some of their employees. With economy this bad, I think most of us have to try our best to cut down on our monthly or daily expenses.
I know it might not save you much but then, it is better than none. This is especially useful for a large family who needs several pairs of eyeglasses for each family member. They can indirectly save hundreds if not thousands of dollars!